Trial of Parthenon Marbles - National Hellenic Museum

The National Hellenic Museum will be closed to the public from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM on Friday, June 16 due to a private event.

Trial of Parthenon Marbles



The Parthenon Marbles must return to their home in Greece! So ruled a majority of the audience, jury and judges hearing the National Hellenic Museum’s Trial of the Parthenon Marbles, Thursday night. The National Hellenic Museum (NHM) presented the fourth Trial in its acclaimed series before an audience of over 800 citizens, whose votes tilted the scales of justice in favor of Greece’s claim for the Marbles. The jury also ruled 8-4 for the Marbles’ return. Judge Richard Posner cast the sole dissenting vote in the 4-1 decision of the judges. He asserted that the sculptures created by the ancient Greeks belong to the world and should remain at the British Museum where they have resided for 200 years.

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